CK 262938 We have illustrated the story with pictures. As already mentioned, all efforts to assimilate optical propagation to transmission of waves in an ordinary solid medium have failed; and though the idea of regions of intrinsic strain, as for example in unannealed glass, is familiar in physics, yet on account of the absence of mobility of the strain no attempt had been made to employ them to illustrate the electric fields of atomic charges. A simple experiment will illustrate this force. ĭl'ə-strāt', ĭ-lŭs'trāt' Illustrate is defined as to make clear or to tell a story using drawings, pictures, examples or comparisons. However, users who are already used to chord charts that illustrate chords in a vertical fashion should be aware that this program (like several others) shows chords horizontally. I shall take four different examples from contemporary literature to illustrate my point: 29. illustrate definition is - to provide with visual features intended to explain or decorate. Nehemiah naturally gives us only his version, and the attitude of Haggai and Zechariah to Zerubbabel may illustrate the feeling of his partisans. The same year, however, he was appointed to the vicarage of St Saviour's, Leeds, a church founded to preach and illustrate Tractarian principles. The narratives of the monarchy which are preserved only in Chronicles, on the other hand, illustrate the manner in which tradition was reshaped and rewritten under the influence of a later religious standpoint. So abundant is the testimony of modern travellers to the extent to which Eastern custom and thought elucidate the interpretation of the Bible, that it is very important to notice those features which illustrate Genesis. Combines live action with classic Disney animation to illustrate proper dental hygiene for young audiences. They reflect the ideas and thoughts of the Hebrews, they illustrate their conceptions of God and the universe, and they furnish material for a comparison of the moral development of the Hebrews with that of other early races. to illustrate in a sentence Leave a Comment / Uncategorized The Anglo-Saxon Leechdoms 1 of the 11th century, published in the Rolls series of medieval chronicles and memorials, admirably illustrate the mixture of magic and superstition with the relics of ancient science which constituted monastic medicine. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Illustrate" in Example Sentences Page 1. They do not represent the opinions of Stories about other raw foodies inspire newbies and illustrate raw food health benefits. The difference between C 1 and the true area is made up of a series of areas bounded by chords and arcs; this difference becoming less as we subdivide the figure into a greater number of strips. The letters of Ignatius illustrate the commanding position which Polycarp had already attained in Asia. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We may illustrate the first method by taking a case discussed by Helmholtz (Sensations of Tone, app. Writing as he does for Gentile believers he omits many details which from their strongly Jewish cast might be unintelligible or uninteresting. The tattoo may be a portrait likeness, or may contain other elements that illustrate the life of a loved one. 99 examples: What follows is our selection of factors for each linguistic factor group; each… Winter Garden Plants of winter interest featuring flowers, stems, foliage and berries to illustrate how gardens can still be attractive in winter. However, if the sentence is something like "Illustrate (an object, like a word, or a sentence)" it means that you have to draw what the object represents. phylum: To illustrate through words, pictures and hands-on examination of living and dead animals the enormous variety within the invertebrate phyla. 2 was designed for this method, and may serve to illustrate it. An example can illustrate an abstract idea. These examples of meaning and value illustrate the solution of philosophical paradoxes. Illustrate in a sentence? These cases must serve to illustrate the theory. That this was the case is undeniably shown by some remarks of Canon Tristram, who, in treating of the Alaudidae and Saxicolinae of Algeria (whence he had recently brought a large collection of specimens of his own making), stated (Ibis, 18 59, pp. It is in reference to the measurement of areas and volumes that it is of special importance to illustrate geometrical truths by means of concrete cases. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The fact that marijuana is now used in some medicines illustrates how stupid our current drug laws are. spreadsheet templates are included to illustrate how each problem is solved. It seems to illustrate the intersection between graceful designs and jovial twists. He or she is thrifty and economical.To illustrate the difference between being frugal and being a cheapskate, consider the dilemma of shopping for Christmas presents. To illustrate human rights jurisprudence, let me mention a case involving two young severely disabled sisters in their twenties. I will illustrate this with an example. These services, which incidentally illustrate the solidarity and unity of the Jewish nation and the respect of the communities of the dispersion for the metropolis, were recognized and rewarded. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. 3. Burke's conservatism was, as such a passage as this may illustrate, the result partly of strong imaginative associations clustering round the more imposing symbols of social continuity, partly of a sort of corresponding conviction in his reason that there are certain permanent elements of human nature out of which the European order had risen and which that order satisfied, and of whose immense merits, as of its mighty strength, the revolutionary party in France were most fatally ignorant. to make clear or intelligible, as by examples or analogies; exemplify. To further illustrate the importance of not buying items you can't afford, consider charging your child a small amount of "interest" whenever he must borrow money from you as the result of poor financial decisions. Rather than saying something, always try to illustrate it. To illustrate the vague use of the word in modern diplomacy may be quoted the description of suzerainty given by Lord Kimberley, which Mr Chamberlain in the correspondence as to South Africa mentioned with approval: " Superiority over a state possessing independent rights of government subject to reservations with reference to certain specified matters " (18 99 [C. 9 0 57], p. 28). 15) shows merely that our Lord was referring to the work by its commonly accepted title, and implies no authoritative utterance with regard to its date or authorship. It will illustrate correct techniques for the greatest health benefits. For first time clients, Joanna treats one side of the face to illustrate the incredible difference the proper skin treatments have in creating a more youthful, glowing appearance. Hall. Promoting creativity: Watching you transform circles and lines into a recognizable face is a great way illustrate the concept of creativity to a young child. However, to illustrate to prospective customers our capabilities in this area, our work can be described in abstract. Armed with a digital camera, each had to illustrate the theme of " old and new Cardiff " . A comparison of the Constitutions with the material upon which they are based will illustrate the compiler's method. illustrate in a sentence - Use "illustrate" in a sentence 1. Illustrate in a sentence. xiv. Two dinosaur skulls are motorized to illustrate different methods of chewing. The following sections will illustrate how Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ are involved in striated muscle 's structures and functions. The following examples of alternative autism therapies illustrate some of the more popular techniques. [size – shape – color] exemplification of pupils ' work at key stages 1-4, to illustrate the end-of-key-stage statement. Once the preschool book was written, the artist was hired to carefully illustrate the book with a picture on every page. Anecdotes have been preserved which illustrate his piety both in early and in later years; of his studies the best monument is to be found in his writings. What is more, he selected the Cato Street Conspiracy to launch the idea of using woodcuts to illustrate stories in newspapers. Let me illustrate this by an example. . To express in any language or to illustrate by any images, from a purely objective standpoint, the infinitely complicated movements of the actual world, is a task far beyond human capacity. The parallelism between the attitude of the Egyptians towards the dead and their attitude towards the gods is so striking that it ought never to be lost sight of: nothing can illustrate it better than the manner in which the Osirian doctrines came to permeate both kinds of cult. Even non-believers sometimes use the writings of the 2012 Mayan prophecies and other ancient civilizations to illustrate their case that humans need to take climate change seriously. At its core, Losing It will illustrate just how out of touch many families are with healthy living habits. Invite your children to illustrate the story as you chronicle the wonderful times your family shared together. Illustrate a Sentence. The growth points of a tree illustrate the Fibonacci sequence as it grows. Illustrators punctuate statements (e.g., batoning with your arm to illustrate a point). There are several rules, as well as types of sentences, that a writer needs to be aware of in order to excel at writing, however. A sentence must have a complete idea that stands alone. A well-written sentence is the foundation for both good writing and good written communication. If the sentence is something like "Illustrate me" or "Illustrate us", it means that the other person wants you to perform whatever it is that you do. The illustrations in some children's story books are beautiful works of art. The homeliest details of the farmer's work are transfigured through the poet's love of nature; through his religious feeling and his pious sympathy with the sanctities of human affection; through his patriotic sympathy with the national greatness; and through the rich allusiveness of his art to everything in poetry and legend which can illustrate and glorify his theme. The above examples may illustrate how, in a general way, chemical properties of isomers, their formation as well as transformation, may be read in the structure formula. The apple is in the box. Here 's an example... As an adult Sunday School teacher, I wrote many skits to illustrate the themes of my lessons. A quick word about hornpipes The hornpipe rhythm is useful to illustrate one more way abc allows the notation of notes of differing length. These events illustrate his total. The classification adopted by Owen in his lectures (1855) does not adequately illustrate the progress of zoological classifi- knowledge between Cuvier's death and that date, but, such as it is, it is worth citing here. Segments worms, to illustrate external characters. Numerous minor chroniclers fill up the gaps, but no one of them has the idiosyncrasy which distinguishes these three writers, who illustrate the three periods of the middle ages - adolescence, complete manhood, and decadence. " The commercial attempted to illustrate the differences between the two products. " - In mythology, Corinth (originally named Ephyre) appears as the home of Medea, Sisyphus and Bellerophon, and already has over-sea connexions which illustrate its primitive commercial activity. While industry standards may vary slightly, there are some general principles that apply to all summaries, and an example of an executive summary format may help to illustrate these principles. The Campsie, Kilpatrick and Dumbarton hills, the high ground from Greenock to Ardrossan, and the Carleton Hills in East Lothian are examples of the plateaus, while Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh and the Binn of Burntisland illustrate the puys. The earliest of these is the Mo'allakat. Technical writers who work in the engineering field are also involved in the creation of drawings that illustrate technical processes. To illustrate Decorated and Perpendicular the churches of Clifton and of Marston Moretaine, with its massive detached campanile, may be mentioned; and Cople church is a good specimen of fine Perpendicular work. (3) Maps: The best are that by P. Carlo, to illustrate Camperio and Haimann's Report, in Petermann's Mitth. At all events, if these writings have many old elements and may be used to illustrate the background of the New Testament, they illustrate not only the excessive legalism and ritualism against which early Christianity contended, but also the more spiritual and ethical side of Judaism. Some of the smaller topes give us names of men who lived in the Buddha's time, and others give names mentioned among the missionaries sent out in the time of Asoka. How to use illustrate in a sentence. To illustrate how easy it is to go astray in this line, observe the continual reference in modern handbooks to the cubic foot as 1000 oz. Block diagrams illustrate the conversion of an airplane motion parameters from body to earth axis for Euler angles and for the quaternion parameters. Meanwhile we can illustrate the economic life of the middle ages, describe its main features, indicate the more important measures of public policy and draw attention to some of the main lines of development. I tell this story to illustrate how severe burnout can get. "To illustrate a principle ," says Bagehot , "you must exaggerate much and you must omit much." The estimates for 1901 to 1905 are given, to illustrate their variations: - These estimates are the averages of separate estimates which are published for the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee. He obtained his degree. Proper Nouns: Examples and Sample Sentences; Proper Nouns: Examples and Sample Sentences. The crude rates which have been discussed above afford no explanation of this change, nor do they always illustrate its full extent. In most cases the doctor can see into the ear canal using an instrument called an auroscope and diagnose the problem. I’ve tried straightening out the poster three times, but it still looks askew. Sentence Examples. That isn't even a complete sentence. The paradoxes in which he here gets involved illustrate this (bk. Before and after photographs illustrate that Sheridan's bustline has been expanded, with an unnatural size and shape indicative of implants. photomicrographs of hair samples that illustrate different sections of hair that may be compared to determine matches. If the sentence is something like "Illustrate me" or "Illustrate us", it means that the other person wants you to perform whatever it is that you do. Of the many general maps of the world or of particular countries, a large number illustrate such works as G. The ingenuity of the compiler is frequently taxed when called upon to illustrate graphically the results of statistical information of every description. My prep work always involves finding current examples to illustrate the points at hand, and give them something to hold on to. 2. How to use illustrate in a sentence… It is naturally uncertain how far the traditions of David can be utilized; but they illustrate Judaean situations when they depict intrigues with Israelite officials, vassalage under Philistia, and friendly relations with Moab, or when they suggest how enmity between Israel and Ammon could be turned to useful account. Examples of illustrate in a sentence, how to use it. Many Daniel K designs clearly illustrate an art deco influence with their extravagant use of accent stones. CK 58311 This diagram will illustrate what I mean. i and 2 illustrate the development of a metal-vein by two adits, two inclined shafts in the lode, and by a deep vertical shaft connected with the lode by horizontal cross cuts. There are also many kinds of "matching" games that help illustrate elements from foreign cultures and time periods prior to the modern age. The apple is in front of the box. These rocks illustrate on a grand scale the action of ice in mountain sculpture. The publication contains images to illustrate the processes. The final scene in the BBC production should illustrate the absurdity of the charge. illustrate the importance of ipsative assessment, valuing our progress against our own previous best. I love that really big old green antique car that is always parked at the end of the street. Choose whichever of those you are comfortable with, but let me illustrate with a single example. In Mabillon's Prefaces (reprinted separately) these lives were for the first time made to illustrate the ecclesiastical and civil history of the early middle ages. If you have a fantastically great image of a tango dancer, it's not really going to help you illustrate your country line dance fan site. To illustrate this, here’s a story. Two short quotations will illustrate my point. stimulusy of several optical illusions, to illustrate the way the brain perceives certain visual stimuli. Make sure all students can clearly see your mouth while you model sounds. Once the preschool book was written, the artist was hired to carefully illustrate the book with a picture on every page. Pick a sentence from something your child has written or from a favorite book. What is useful about this site for designers is the ability to "grab the image", which leads you to a page with a nice set of graphics to illustrate the color scheme using icons like paint brushes or pencils. I will give you an example to illustrate what I mean. The lyrics of later songs, such as First Time, also illustrate a move towards more secular topics, so the band is more appropriately categorized as a crossover band resting in the pop/rock/alternative rock genres. of carefully chosen narratives, somewhat loosely connected it is true, but all treating substantially the same subject, - the physical triumph of God's servant over his unbelieving enemies; and on the other hand (vii.-xii. The show also tries to illustrate that privilege has its price. Have your child read it carefully and make as many observations as possible. Simple Sentences A simple sentence contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. Practical worked examples illustrate the application of the data which is assisted by a guidance flowchart. The apple is through the box. However, Bill and Jen's remarks do not overshadow the show's main theme, which is to illustrate how their unique circumstances have made them better people. Illustrate definition: If you say that something illustrates a situation that you are drawing attention to, you... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The following extracts from articles published in 1882 will illustrate, better than anything else, the ambition entertained by some of the promoters of this remarkable organization. Probabilistic constraints To illustrate one type of stochastic program suppose that we have two six-sided dice. other sutras found there illustrate various features characteristic of Chinese Buddhism. datume is a story to illustrate why I think we need to be concerned about such untrammeled data collection. Arithmetical and Algebraical Treatment of Equations.-The following will illustrate the passage from arithmetical to algebraical reasoning. These words sufficiently illustrate the essentially political character of the institution. Zacchaeus the publican and the grateful Samaritan leper further illustrate this characteristic. Illustrate these following sentences: The apple is on the box. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. b : to make clear by giving or by serving as an example or instance. These sentences are separately grouped here for the sake of suggesting that they will more truly illustrate Disraeli's character if taken as follows: - The first as representing his most cherished social ambitions - in whatever degree achieved. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The apple is in front of the box. The doctor will take a history and perform a thorough physical exam, and may order a chest X-ray or blood tests to diagnose the condition. with drawings, pictures, or other artwork intended for explanation, elucidation, or adornment. 2. CK 1 2314822 I did a little research. The magnificent tombs from Enkomi and Episkopi illustrate the wealth and advancement of Cyprus at this time.'. to illustrate in a sentence { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '446383' }}, These illustrate the design skills of the children and the diversity of games that have resulted from children playing in our prototype playgrounds. The apple is under the box. Illustrate definition, to furnish (a book, magazine, etc.) To illustrate the comparative productiveness and relationship of these sources of national wealth and industry, the following official returns of export for the years 1905 and 1906 are arranged in the four general classes previously discussed, the values being in Brazilian gold milreis, worth 2s. Two dinosaur skulls are motorized to illustrate different methods of chewing. In 1802 he published Reflections upon the State of Religion in Christendom, in which he attempted to explain and illustrate the mysterious foreshadowings of the Apocalypse. The following examples of passages from " P " will illustrate what has been said:-Gen. Fragments, 4 however, of two codices were discovered (1897) in the genizah at Cairo, which illustrate more fully the peculiar features of this version. He always used the dialect of Piedmont when conversing with natives of that country, and he had a vast fund of humorous anecdotes and proverbs with which to illustrate his arguments. 4 2 9-433) that he could " not help feeling convinced of the truth of the views set forth by Messrs Darwin and Wallace," adding that it was " hardly possible, I 'should think, to illustrate this theory better than by the larks and chats of North Africa.". The following diagrams illustrate these statements: - C ` H C OH HC /CH HC CH HC,/CH 'N/ HC CH CH CH From the benzene nucleus we can derive other aromatic nuclei, graphically represented by fusing two or more hexagons along common sides. The examples adduced above are merely a sample given to illustrate the general character of the argument. The following examples illustrate several different ways that an RMT can be structured and clearly show the amount of flexibility in a Retiree Medical Trust fund's structure and benefit levels. Nominal sentences begin with a noun or a pronoun, while verbal sentences begin with a verb. The old and the new systems of making a wine-glass illustrate almost all the ordinary processes of glass working. To illustrate the importance of the mensuration of graphs, suppose that we require the average value of u with regard to x. Though cases like these are not really how the science will be used, they illustrate the principle. But another method of investigation will illustrate new ways of treating our subject. Nominal sentences have 2 parts: a subject (مبتدأ) and a predicate (خبر).When the nominal sentence is about being, i.e. The dream of conciliation was at an end, but the Tosti incident had served once more to illustrate the true position of the Vatican in regard to Italy. English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "illustrate" The illustrations in some children's story books are beautiful works of artThe fact that marijuana is now used in some medicines illustrates how stupid our current drug laws are. He became more and more attracted to the study of Plato and Aristotle, and his doctor's dissertation (1826) was an attempt to reach through Aristotle's criticisms a more accurate knowledge of the Platonic philosophy (Platonis de ideis et numeris doctrina ex Aristotele illustrate). The proper names further illustrate the way in which the relation of man to God was regarded; the commonest forms are servant (`abd, e.g. To illustrate the great perplexity surrounding the subject, we may mention that to one species, S. To some it seemed to illustrate the necessity of the state tolerating only one religion, but to others the necessity of the state tolerating all. Then ask children to illustrate their alligator book with images from the story you just read to them. Despite this sentence looking more sophisticated (and longer! The problem is they were stealing the cheers from the Clovers, and if there's one thing that the Toros cheers from Bring It On illustrate, it's why you should never copy cheers from either an opposing team or a movie. Colons and semicolons are two types of punctuation. Others are useful because they illustrate the advantages of fair play or the rewards for tolerance and honesty that are important qualities for getting along with others. Find more ways to say illustrate, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. to illustrate in a sentence { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '446383' }}, These illustrate the design skills of the children and the diversity of games that have resulted from children playing in our prototype playgrounds. : He wants grandchildren, legitimate ones, to carry on the illustrious ducal line. kaleidoscope of memorable images to illustrate the fact. , My grandmother enjoyed receiving my cards when I would illustrate the outside of it with colorful flowers and hand drawn landscape scenes. The drawings in Fergusson's work entitled Tree and Serpent Worship are very unsatisfactory, and his suggestion that the carvings illustrate tree and serpent worship is quite erroneous. Two incidents illustrate the spirit of judgment with which He approached the splendid but apostate city. [quality – size – age – color – qualifier] My sister has a beautiful big white bulldog. He was a friend of Rembrandt, who painted his portrait and engraved four etchings to illustrate his Piedra gloriosa. It was only after a bitter experience that the kingship was no longer regarded as a divine gift, and traditions have been revised in order to illustrate the opposition to secular authority. To illustrate, concerning the nature of imperial sanctity, Shillony argues that the Japanese have not typically regarded the reigning emperors as gods. There is no better way to illustrate the difficulty that lesbians and gays in India have than the simple fact that until 2009, any homosexual act was considered illegal. WDM have produced a high quality full color map to illustrate the findings of the report. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 152+6 sentence examples: 1. Thankfully, there are many videos and diagrams online to help illustrate the various moves from the basic underarm turn to the more advanced moves with names like "break your momma's back". We shall best illustrate the character and method of economic reasoning by examples, and for that purpose let us take first of An all a purely historical problem, namely, the effect on of the wage-earners of the wages clauses of the Statute of Apprenticeship (1563). Here are some examples. 'Evil Woman': The falsetto harmonies in this song's chorus illustrate textbook pop songwriting. Take pictures of your scrapbook space to illustrate this fun layout. She studied art for 4 years, and now works as an illustrator for children's books and magazines. Examples of 'illustrate' in a sentence We may illustrate the matter as follows: A heavy pendulum possesses inertia and the property of being displaced from a position of rest but tending to return to it. Examples of how to use the word 'illustrate' in a sentence. In scrapbooking, sketches are drawings that illustrate potential placement combinations for a layout's photos, title, journaling, and embellishments. Their variety is considerable, for they are designed to illustrate physical and political geography, travel and navigation, trade and commerce, and, in fact, every subject connected with geographical distribution and capable of being illustrated by means of a map. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). The apple is under the box. 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