Lizada C. Mango. Controlling and prohibiting artificial fruit ripening in Bangladesh [40]. Moreover, major locations within the chain of distribution must be identified, and proper storage facilities need to be set up at those points so that the ripened or semi-ripened fruits can be stored and distributed according to market demand. 2014. Ethephon may cause various side effects on human health. 2012, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). This article aims at developing awareness among government agencies, policymakers, farmers, vendors, and scientists, as since it will take collective participation of different stakeholders to address different aspects of artificial fruit ripening issues and to provide an effective solution. 2005. During ripening fruits soften, changes colour, and characteristic aroma and flavours develop. Plant Quarantine Act. Besides, the quantity required of the ripening agent to induce ripening will be much more than the conventional dose, when the fruits are not mature enough. Calcium carbide may contain traces of arsenic and phosphorus, both highly toxic to humans, and the use of this chemical for ripening is illegal in most countries. The fruits ripened with Ethephon have more acceptable colour than naturally ripened fruits and have longer shelf life than fruits ripened with Calcium carbide. These standards can be adopted by other countries or can be used to set up an international standard under the framework of WHO/FAO. One of the many primary objectives of this council is to foster scientific and technical progress in agricultural and food industries [57]. United Kingdom’s Soil Association permits the use of ethylene to ripen bananas and kiwi [Soil Association Organic Standards, rev 16.4, June 2011] [19]. 2009, Bangladesh Parliament: Bangladesh Government Press. Springer Netherlands; 1993. p. 255–271. There are different economic and technological factors related to the artificial fruit ripening issues [1, 5, 7, 17–19]. Upon application on fruits, calcium carbide comes into contact with moisture and releases acetylene gas, which has fruit ripening characteristics similar to ethylene [1]. 2011, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Asian Law Institute, NUS: National University of Singapore. 2012, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). Similarly, 20 % ethylene glycol will ripen various fruits faster in colder climatic condition [7]. Lot of chemicals like colors, artificial ripening agents, sweeteners and waxes are applied on surface of horticulture produce to siphon off money from consumers, and these have adverse health effects directly or indirectly. National food safety systems in Africa—a situation analysis. Table 2 summarizes the major laws and acts on artificial fruit ripening that are practiced in the SAARC countries. Another important issue, especially in the developing world, to address is the complex supply chain. Calcium carbide is also used in some countries for artificially ripening fruit. The Plant Quarantine Act 2011 prohibits unapproved export and import of plants, as well as parts of plants [48]. 2027 strongly prohibits the use of carbide gas in fruit ripening [5, 16]. Section 6 of this law deals with adulterated food items and is applicable throughout Pakistan (except the cantonments) with minor regional changes. In: South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Trade Facilitation Week: Sanitary/Phytosanitaryand Technical Barriers to Trade. Nigeria, Editor. These laws include: Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) Decree No. 1970, Ministry of Agriculture: Nepal Gazette. 2011, Cold Chain Development Cell. 2015, Standing Committee of the 12th National People’s Congress. For mass production, ethylene ripening chamber may be considered as an alternative. Bassiouni H. GCC food standards in 2014. Justice, Editor. Progress and trends in ink-jet printing technology. Ethephon is often considered better in terms of taking less time than calcium carbide for ripening. The concentrations of ethylene gas evolved from blue-flame oil stoves used in the "sweating" process were not proper to produce actual npenmg. early and offseason. As artificial fruit ripening using calcium carbide poses greater threat to human health, most of the SAARC countries have banned the use of calcium carbide as an artificial fruit ripening agent [5, 11, 13, 16, 33]. As a result, most of these countries rely on the international standards on food safety for guidance. 2010. Define artificial. Islam MN, et al. Taha M. Qatar food and agricultural import regulations and standards—narrative. PubMed  Natural fruit ripening is a combination of physiological, biochemical, and molecular processes [21–24]. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. It is obvious that the practice of using calcium carbide is an unnatural practice, and when the Government is disapproving, the fruit traders cannot proceed with this unhealthy practice. Bananas can also be identified if the fruits are all yellow green whereas the stem is dark. Agents such as calcium carbide, ethephon, and ethylene have been reported to be used as artificial ripening agents. CAS  In: Makun HA, editor. Many studies on the effect of different ripening agents on fruit quality appear to show that naturally ripened bananas exhibit better sensory characterist… 26 of 1980. 7 of 1996 on Food. 2005, Bangladesh Parliament Bangladesh Government Press. This implies that SON follows the permissible list of fruit additives by Codex Alimentarius Commission and the list of codes on fresh and processed fruits. 2011. Considering its hazardous effects, Calcium Carbide is banned in many countries including India, but despite the ban, it is widely used in the Indian Subcontinent. National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) Act Cap N1 LFN (2004) and Act Cap F32 LFN (2004) [8, 9, 66, 67]. This research was supported by BCEF Academic Research Fund and BUET CASR Research Grant. Nigeria is a mixed economy emerging market in Africa. New York: Academic Press Inc; 1987. p. 265–319. Although it is banned in many countries of the world, it is freely used in Indian Subcontinent. FAO, IFOAM, UNCTD. In nature, fruits ripen after attainment of proper maturity by a sequence of complex physical and biochemical events. Usually, these fruits go through the Ripening process in those markets before retailing. New Delhi:Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; 2011. According to the Bangladesh Pure Food Ordinance (Amendment) Act 2005, a new section, 4A, has been introduced that proposes the formation of a National Food Safety Advisory Council (NFSAC), which will advise the Government regarding food safety. Agric Sci Res J. On procurement and selling of these banned Chemicals, restrictions should be strictly imposed. Fruits are placed in wooden boxes lined with hay. 1998;42(1):49–62. WHO/FAO. Minister of Justice, Canada. Whereas in the case of artificial ripening, fruit ripening agents promote ripening and induce colour changes. 1955, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare: India. In Nepal, Part 7, rule no 19(d) of The Nepal Food Regulation University Technology MARA Selangor; 2010. p. 24. WHO, Food Safety and Nutrition Food Law Guidelines. The aim of GCC is to promote coordination between member states in order to achieve unity. The Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) is a member of Codex Alimentarius Commission, which was establised by FAO and the World Health Organization to develop harmonised food standards [68]. According to officials, paraffin wax is also used by the sellers to enhance the appearance of the fruits. According to rules 44AA of the PFA Rules 1955, no fruit can be ripened with the aid of Calcium Carbide. By using this website, you agree to our Catalogue of East African Standards, E.A.C. However, cheaper manpower and extensive experience in this field can lower the operational cost [78]. Because of moisture content in the fruit, a chemical reaction takes place which releases heat and acetylene gas are produced, which rushes the ripening process. Environmentally safe new compounds which are not harmful to human health must be discovered and tested. Consumer protection council act, Chapter C25, F.o. The article also aims to compare and analyze the existing policies and regulations regarding artificial fruit ripening to find out the best possible solution. Fruit ripening process can also be stimulated by applying artificial fruit ripening agents. The research and manuscript are free of conflict of interest. Other than the Calcium Carbide following Chemicals are in common practice in artificially ripening of the fruits: Ethylene: A very small concentration of ethylene in air is sufficient to promote the fruit ripening process. However, a chemical known as Calcium Carbide (CaC2) is most commonly used for artificial ripening of fruits. Consumer Rights Protection Act 2009, B. Parlliament, Editor. 1234/2007. But still, most of the fruit sellers use Chemicals like Calcium carbide for ripening the fruits. The agency has the authority to inspect, investigate, and test food items in the market in order to ensure safety [67]. For example, in the fiscal year 2006–2007 Bangladesh produced around 2.74 million metric tons of fruits [75]. However, not much evidence could be gathered against … Saez L. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC): An emerging collaboration architecture 2011, 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN: Routledge. The 2013 European Union report on pesticide residues in food 2015, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). During distribution, fruits are collected from farmers and sent to the local storage points. J Med. It penetrates into the fruit and decomposes ethylene. ASIA REGIONAL ORGANIC STANDARD. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. In Indonesia and Thailand, there are general laws concerning food; however, there is no specific regulation to control artificial fruit ripening issues. Glob J Biotechnol Biochem. One rotten apple spoils the whole bushel: the role of ethylene in fruit ripening. When calcium carbide comes in contact with moisture, it produces acetylene gas, which is similar in its effects to the natural ripening agent, ethylene. Goonatilake R. Effects of diluted ethylene glycol as a fruit-ripening agent. In artificial ripening, this process is mimicked using chemicals. Ripening of fruits with Ethylene and Ethephon is permissible if used in a limited concentration. For example, Qatar imposed a set of regulations on food quality investigation [60]: All newly processed food products arriving in the market are subjected to laboratory analysis, Subsequent shipments of a product that has passed the initial testing will be subject to further laboratory analysis again after 6 months. Mohidus Samad Khan. A review on the legislative aspect of artificial fruit ripening. Since artificial fruit ripening agents such as calcium carbide and ethylene glycol are harmful for human health [1, 5–7]; therefore, according to ‘The Food Act 1983’ using those substances for artificial fruit ripening can be considered unlawful in Malaysia. Koros K. Kenya: sweet poison—illegal ripening of fruits exposes millions of Kenyans to cancer, in Allafrica. Although regulatory bodies exist to deal with food safety, however, there is still lack of specific regulations and technical support to control artificial fruit ripening in a good number of African countries [3, 4, 62]. Various regulatory agencies have launched various programs, acts and laws for monitoring and avoiding such unhealthy ways. The change in color during the fruit ripening process is a result of unmasking of pigments by degradation of chlorophyll, synthesis of different types of anthocyanins and their accumulation in vacuoles, and accumulation of carotenoids. It's true. Artificial ripening: what we are eating. If use ethylene gas, then the fruits will start to ripen. Nazibul Islam, Mehnaz Mursalat & Mohidus Samad Khan, You can also search for this author in The Prevention of Food Adultration Act & Rules 1955, F.S.a.S.A.o.I. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Unlike the developing nations, the developed countries have proper guidance for the use of ethylene as ripening agent. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. Calcium carbide is alkaline in nature and irritates the mucosal tissue in the abdominal region; cases of stomach disorder after eating carbide-ripened mangoes have also been reported [5]. The East African Community (EAC) is a regional economic community comprising of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and Rwanda. A fully computerized single ripening chamber of volume 57 m3 (5.07 m × 3.31 m × 3.39 m) may cost approximately USD$ 20,000 [77]. From an economic point of view, as long as there is a high demand for seasonal fruits, or chances of loss of ripen fruits during storage and distribution, the producers and/or merchants will be inclined toward using artificial fruit ripening agents. Acetylene imitates the ethylene and quickens the ripening process. SCSR J Agribus. Bangladesh, Editor. The naturally ripened fruits are not uniformly coloured; rather, they are patchy. For fruit traders, the point of using chemicals is to speed up the ripening process so that they can cash-in immediately. Findings related to carbide poisoning have reported headache, dizziness, memory loss, mood disturbances, mental confusion, sleepiness, cerebral oedema and seizure. With a growing economy, Bangladesh is one of the key members of SAARC. Agriculture Wing, Editor. In addition, selling unsafe food is punishable under Sects. 50 and 59 of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 [35]. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 398: Kyoto, Japan; 1995. p. 167–178. In: Faculty of applied science. SARSO can be used as a platform for issuing a single list of artificial fruit ripening agents that should be banned in the whole South Asia region. The Penal Code, M.o.L.J.a.P. We know from experience that a clear brand and effective communications can help power an organization’s success. The gas is available in cylinders or as agents like ethepone. Under the act, products are collected by the BSTI surveillance team directly from the open market and later tested in the BSTI laboratories. Food Safety and Standards Act, M.O.L.A. acts as a catalyst. USAID; 2011. J Imaging Sci Technol. National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) is the regulatory body that regulates and controls the import, export, manufacture, advertisement, distribution, sales, and use of food and other regulated products [9, 66, 67]. There are existing laws and guidelines to control artificial fruit ripening process. Acetylene gas is an analogue of the natural ripening agents produced by fruits known as ethylene. Countries such as India are keen toward utilizing the potential of ripening chambers and have already formalized technical standards and protocol for these chambers [79]. Role of health hazardous ethephon in nutritive values of selected pineapple, banana and tomato. 1955, Gazette of India. It also contains traces of arsenic and phosphorus hydride. Fattah SA, Ali MY. Report on a Workshop on Food Inspection Arrangements in Bangladesh, F.a.A.O.o.t.U. Kabir DSH. The prime objective of this article is to report and discuss the legal status of artificial fruit ripening around the world: developed and developing countries. Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules. 66 (1992) establishes the Consumer Protection Council. Calcium carbide, when hydrolysed, produces acetylene, which causes artificial ripening of fruits. Headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh, South Asian Regional Standards Organization is responsible for harmonizing national standards of SAARC member states and for developing SAARC standards on common products of interest [41–43]. Bangladesh Pure Food Ordinance (Amendment) Act 2005 bans the use of calcium carbide, formalin, and pesticides [such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)] [13]. There are a number of processing techniques that can be employed to fresh-treat fruit and vegetables: irra- diation, a wax coating, an ethylene inhibitor (ethylene is a plant hormone that causes ripening), controlled atmos- phere packaging, modified atmosphere packaging, and the use of a chemical inhibitive. Act of The Republic of Indonesia No. acts as a catalyst. Oetiker JH, SF Yang. Provisions for artificial ripening of fruits under Food Safety and Standards Regulations 2011. FAO Regional Office for Africa, A., Ghana, National food safety systems In Africa—a situation analysis. Regulation and enforcement of legislation on food safety in Nigeria. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates are the eight nations that together share the coast of Persian Gulf. Curr Sci. Plant developmental biology—biotechnological perspectives. ( 4), that he had any knowledge of the use of ethylene as an agent for ripening fruits. Affairs, Editor. Provisions for a management committee that apply to the fruit and vegetable sector as well as a range of other agricultural products came into effect from January 1, 2008, under Council Regulation (EC) No. 2015;18(1):30–7. Africa FWCCF. And for that, all that a trader has to do is to wrap a small quantity of Calcium Carbide in a packet of paper and keep this packet near a pile or box of fruits. Bangladesh Government. 1987). Many African countries do not have specific laws to regulate artificial fruit ripening. 1987;38:155–78. According to this law, production or distribution of food or food additives containing contaminants and heavy metals above the safety standard limit is punishable by a fine of RMB 10,000–100,000, and/or revoking of license depending on the extent of the offense [54]. 1992, United States Environmental Protection Agency: Office of Prevention, Pesticides And Toxic Substances. Proposed Maximum Residue Limit, Ethephon 2014, Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Health Canada. Institute EM. Cite this article. 1860, Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division. Code of hygienic practice for fresh fruits and vegetables. Agric & Food Secur 5, 8 (2016). Barcelona-Spain; 2007. Article  Among the widely used artificial ripening agents, ethylene and methyl jasmonate are reported as non-toxic for human consumption; however, they are relatively expensive [1]. Whether these agents pose any threat to human health or on the surroundings has become a global concern, which needs to be addressed. Board NH. In Bangladesh, the laws and acts on fruit ripening and marketing include Bangladesh Pure Food Ordinance (Amendment) Act 2005 that originated from the Bangladesh Pure Food Ordinance, 1959, Agricultural products Market Act 1950 (revised in 1985), organization, Editor. Recently, there is an upsurge in reported cases of carbide-ripened fruits seized in Kenya and Nigeria [2–4]. 2012;10(2):247–51. Impianti M. Computerised banana ripening rooms, net price list, M.I. Nyor JT. MM carried out literature review for selected sections and helped to revise the manuscript. These codes are as follows [69]: Code of hygienic practice for canned fruit and vegetable products, Code of hygienic practice for dried fruits, Code of hygienic practice for dehydrated fruits and vegetables including edible fungi, Code of practice for the packaging and transport of fresh fruit and vegetables., DOI: Control, Editor. On the other hand, the developed countries have mitigated these issues through efficient supply chain, and by following standard procedures of fruit ripening. 1960. Siddiqui MW, Dhua RS. 2013. Consumer laws in Pakistan. CAS  15 (1999), The A generous consumption of ethylene glycol may cause kidney failure [7]. The food industry in Thailand is governed by the ‘Food Act 1979.’ The objective of this act is to protect consumers from hazards arising from food consumption [52]. Calcium carbide is a known carcinogen, a cancer-producing chemical. In Bangladesh, government ministries and agencies responsible for the inspection, examination, and control of ripening, harvesting, and marketing activities of fresh fruit include [44]: Ministry of Agriculture—plant protection wing, Customs—inspection of imported fruits and vegetables, Ministry of Health—sample collection and testing. CaC 2 is commonly used as a ripening agent in tropical fruit. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Editor. 2004. Among them, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates form the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC), which mostly import fresh fruits from other countries [56]. Calcium carbide (CaC2) is widely used as the low price artificial ripening agent of fruits. Acetylene accelerates the ripening process. Smoke generated from burning green leaves or kerosene burners are also used as traditional methods in banana ripening. Consumer Protection Council Decree No. Tips for buying fruits Chemical testing is the surest way to detect use of ripening agents and adulteration, say experts Check for waxy deposits by scratching an apple’s surface. Yang Y. Article  A Report Regarding a Proposed Amendment of Certain Sections of the Bangladesh Pure Food Ordinance, 1959 (Ordinance No. Fruits that look attractive outside may not be good for health. The fruit traders and sellers should be made aware of the health hazards and imbued with a sense of moral responsibility to the society. Additionally, ‘Food Hygiene Law of the People’s Republic of China,’ ‘Regulation on Managing Hygiene in Food Additives,’ and ‘Law on Agricultural Product Quality’ aim to prevent food contamination and use of food additives that are harmful to human health [55]. The law strictly prohibits the use of any substance that may deteriorate the nutritive and/or other beneficial properties of food. R.E.D. Ministry of Law, Editor. This Chemical is extremely hazardous to the human body as it contains traces of arsenic and phosphorus. Agents such as calcium carbide, ethephon, and ethylene have been reported to be used as artificial ripening agents. Ismail R. Food and Consumer Protection: A case study on Food legislation of Selected Countries. deficiency of Oxygen. It is currently being used by wholesalers and retailers in the Philippines at 8–10 g CaC 2 per kg of mango fruit. Sweetness increases because of increased gluconeogenesis (metabolic pathway that generates glucose), hydrolysis of polysaccharides, decreased acidity, and accumulation of sugars and organic acids. Hakim MA, et al. The Chandigarh district magistrate has prohibited artificial ripening of fruits and ordered the authorities concerned to conduct regular checks. As an attempt to make significant reforms of the Common Market Organization (CMO) for certain agricultural products, the European Union extended its approach to the promotion, quality, and marketing standards for fresh and processed fruit and vegetables. In India, artificial ripening is banned under the Prevention of Food Adulteration (PFA) Act, 1954, and the Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955. Fruits that have a uniform colour are more likely to have been artificially ripened. Although the terms and conditions of the corresponding legislations vary from country to country, the major objective to enact such laws is to control or prohibit the usage of the chemicals as ripening agents. In Pakistan, the primary law related to food is the ‘West Pakistan Pure Food Ordinance, 1960’ [38], which is to some extent similar to the East Pakistan Pure Food Ordinance, 1959, now amended as Bangladesh Pure Food Ordinance (Amendment) Act 2005. The early symptoms of arsenic or phosphorus poisoning include vomiting, burning sensation in the chest and abdomen, diarrhoea, thirst, weakness, difficulty in swallowing, irritation or burning of the eyes and skin, permanent eye damage, ulcers on the skin, irritation in the mouth, nose and throat. 2008;3(1):8–13. Furthermore, textural changes resulting in the softening of fruits occur due to enzyme-mitigated alteration in structure and composition of the cell wall [23, 26, 27]. Africa FWRCoFSf. Bouzayen M, et al. 2014. Article Originally published on The Logical Indian. List of standards. Food Safety Laws and Regulations in China, In: A China environmental health project fact sheet. In: XVII IMEKO World Congress. 2011, FAIRS Country Report. In Sri Lanka, under the Food Act No 26 of 1980, no person can manufacture, sell, or distribute food that has any natural deleterious substance added upon it which are injurious to health [15]. 2003: Dubrovnik, Croatia. 66 (1992), National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) Decree No. Catalytic generators are used to produce ethylene gas simply and safely. Thus, these regulations can be used to regulate the hazardous ripening agents in Indonesia and Thailand, respectively. Taha M. United Arab Emirates food and agricultural import regulations and standards narrative. The gulf countries do follow the standards set by the GSO collectively, yet some of the countries have imposed additional acts that fall under the national acts for food safety. The ABP Publications; 2011. Additionally, ethylene is exempt from the requirement of a tolerance (maximum residue level) when used as a growth regulator on fruits and vegetables [71]. Babangida GIB. Specially designed chambers are already in use in the developed countries to artificially ripen fruits [4]. Over time, of course, they become softer and sweeter. GSO 2401:2014 under GSO Food Standard Act implies that pineapple belonging to the Bromeliaceae family should be supplied fresh to the consumers upon preparation and packaging [59]. California Privacy Statement, It involves coordination of different metabolisms with activation and deactivation of various genes, which leads to changes in color, sugar content, acidity, texture, and aroma volatiles [21, 22, 25]. From local storages (or collection points), fruits are transported to the warehouses of major cities and remote areas of the country, from where the retailers collect the fruits and sell them to customers. Nosb ) to the ripening agents an agent for banana Medlicott et al carbide for ripening the fruits are in... Numbness in the ripening process Nigeria is a need for the authorities to go and check every fruit.... 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Laws include: Standards Organization of Nigeria ( SON ) Decree No R. economic which chemical acts as artificial agent for ripening of fruits.  Mehnaz Mursalat &  Mohidus Samad Khan, you can also be stimulated by applying artificial ripening. Koros K. Kenya: sweet poison—illegal ripening of an unripe fruit will be unaffected by it! Fruits and its possible health hazards related to the artificial fruit ripening terms and Conditions, Privacy. Well as long-term health effects simply by eating fruits that look attractive outside may not be for... Food-Related legislations and Standards ( Prohibition and restrictions on Sales ) regulations that have a uniform are... Competing interests ethylene is considered as an analog of ethylene gas, the. 1000 food-related legislations and Standards regulations 2011 66 ( 1992 ) establishes the Consumer Protection Council,! ) establishes the Consumer Protection Council Act, Chapter C25, F.o NAFDAC and carbide ripened,! For fruit traders use them in a limited concentration is often considered better in terms of taking time. Seized in Kenya and Nigeria [ 2–4 ] causes artificial ripening agents highlight health issues [ 1 5–7! Had any knowledge of the world, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Asian law Institute, NUS: University! Safety and Nutrition food law guidelines select those that are artificially ripened Nutrition food law guidelines diluted... Substances [ 5, Article number:  8 ( 2016 ) Cite article. Been amended as the low price artificial ripening agents of India, Bangladesh is one of key!