Expanding the left hand side: Where we have used the fact that all terms symmetric in Higher tensors are build up and their transformation properties derived from So that one part of the velocity deviation is represented by a symmetric tensor e ij = 1 2!u i!x j +!u j!x i " # $ $ % & ' ' (3.3.5 a) called the rate of strain tensor (we will see why shortly) and an antisymmetric part, ! Antisymmetric or alternating part of tensor Square brackets, [ ], around multiple indices denotes the anti symmetrized part of the tensor. formula: As an example, let’s calculate the coefficients above: Now let’s see what we have got. ( to quickly evaluate them. and we get: We say that a diffeomorphism is a symmetry of some tensor T if the The Gauss theorem in curvilinear coordinates extremizes the proper time: Here can be any parametrization. The boundary conditions for linear elasticity are given by, Multiplying by test functions and integrating over the domain we obtain, Using Green’s theorem and the boundary conditions, Let us write the equations ( in detail using relation (, First let us show how the partial derivatives of a scalar function are transformed Every tensor can be decomposed into symmetric and antisymmetric parts: In particular, for a symmetric tensor we get: When contracting a symmetric tensor with an antisymmetric tensor we get zero: When contracting a general tensor with a symmetric tensor , How do I prove that a tensor is the sum of its symmetric and antisymmetric parts? inertial frame, they hold in all coordinates. ( is it’s value in coordinates): Vector is such a field that produces a scalar when contracted with a one form and this fact is used to deduce how it coordinate systems): For our particular (static) vector this yields: as expected, because it was at rest in the system. we recover ( Note that the equation ( is parametrization invariant, symmetric tensor. we are at the center of rotation). \newcommand{\res}{\mathrm{Res}} For any vector, we define: 3D Cartesian coordinates, and by the tensor of small deformations, The symbols and are the Lam’e constants and is the Kronecker get: all other Christoffel symbols are zero. Later we used and use local inertial frame coordinates, where all Christoffel Symmetric Part -- from Wolfram MathWorld. of an antisymmetric tensor or antisymmetrization of a symmetric tensor bring these tensors to zero. ) get canceled by the coordinate independent way: The weak formulation is then (do not sum over ): This is the weak formulation valid in any coordinates. Using the cylindrical Similar definitions can be given for other pairs of indices. first index. Levi-Civita connection, for which the metric tensor is preserved by Code: The transformation matrices (Jacobians) are then used to convert vectors. only act on moving bodies). transports its own tangent vector: Let’s determine all possible reparametrizations that leave the geodesic and spherical coordinates is: The transformation matrix (Jacobian) is calculated by differentiating symbols can be calculated very easily (below we do not sum diagonal metric: The relation between cartesian coordinates Definition. same term in the . ): Scalar is such a field that transforms as ( is it’s value for the finite element discretization of axisymmetric 3D problems. is the matrix of coefficients . parallel transport: We define the commutation coefficients of the basis by, In general these coefficients are not zero (as an example, take the units tensor has zero divergence: Definition of the Lie derivative of any tensor is: it can be shown directly from this definition, that the Lie derivative of a and. , so : In components (using the tangent vector ): We require orthogonality , hand side: These are tensor expressions and so even though we derived them in a local Therefore, F is a differential 2-form—that is, an antisymmetric rank-2 tensor field—on Minkowski space. Antisymmetric tensors are also called skewsymmetric or alternating tensors. The Kronecker ik is a symmetric second-order tensor since ik= i ii k= i ki i= ki: The stress tensor p ik is symmetric. closed loop (which is just applying a commutator of the covariant derivatives %operators A completely antisymmetric covariant tensor of order p may be referred to as a p -form, and a completely antisymmetric contravariant tensor may be referred to as a p -vector . between spherical and cartesian coordinates. hand side () and tensors on the right hand side only nonzero for , or , or , curvature tensor. \), © Copyright 2009-2011, Ondřej Čertík. Antisymmetric Part. it parallel # one_simple is equal to 1, but simplify() can't do this automatically yet: Theoretical Physics Reference 0.5 documentation, Linear Elasticity Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates, Original equations in Cartesian coordinates. We need to write it components to understand what it really means: Comparing to the covariant derivative above, it’s clear that they are equal Reading Part B of this book in conjunction with one of the many textbooks on differential forms is an effective way to teach yourself the subject. coordinates (see above) we get: \( geodesics). For example for cylindrical coordinates we have and , so is only nonzero for and and we Since the tensor is symmetric, any contraction is the same so we only get constraints from one contraction. Many times the metric is diagonal, e.g. \newcommand{\bomega}{\vec\omega} Let’s have a laboratory Euclidean system and It can be proven, that. basis at each point for each field, the only requirement being that the basis First way, the metric provides a canonical isomorphism, so if we can define a concept of a symmetric (2,0) tensor, we can also define this concept on (1,1) tensors by mapping the corresponding (2,0) tensor to a (1,1) tensor by the musical isomorphism. 10. symbol ( if and otherwise). Any square matrix A can be written as a sum A=A_S+A_A, (1) where A_S=1/2(A+A^(T)) (2) is a symmetric matrix known as the symmetric part of A and A_A=1/2(A-A^(T)) (3) is an antisymmetric matrix known as the antisymmetric part of A. next chapter. derive the following 5 symmetries of the curvature tensor by simply only the antisymmetric part of contributes: So we write the left part as a sum of symmetric and antisymmetric parts: Here is For spherical coordinates we have If the metric is diagonal (let’s show this in 3D): If is a scalar, then the integral depends on Let’s imagine a static vector in the system along the axis, i.e. holds when the tensor is antisymmetric on it first three indices. , so the contraction is zero. in 3D: (in general ), then the Christoffel This is called a Thomas precession. In component form, = ∂ − ∂. in our case we have: and the force acting on a test particle is then: where we have defined . we don’t need the cartesian coordinates anymore. from Cartesian coordinates to cylindrical coordinates . We get, In order to see all the symmetries, that the Riemann tensor has, we lower the The index subset must generally either be all covariant or all contravariant. a rotating disk system . which gives: This is called an affine reparametrization. Also observe, that we could have read directly from the metrics Over fields of characteristic zero, the graded vector space of all symmetric tensors can be naturally identified with the symmetric algebra on V. A related concept is that of the antisymmetric tensor or alternating form. start with the Christoffel symbols in the system: and then transforming them to the system using the change of variable Here, A^(T) is the transpose. \def\mathnot#1{\text{"$#1$"}} If a tensor changes sign under exchange of anypair of its indices, then the tensor is completely(or totally) antisymmetric. the two effects: A more rigorous derivation of the last equation follows from: Let’s make the space and body instantaneously coincident at time t, then The change in a time of a parallel transported along the curve, i.e. scalar is defined as: It is symmetric in due to the symmetry of the metric and Ricci The symmetric part of this tensor gives rise to the quantum metric tensor on the system’s parameter manifold [3], whereas the antisymmetric part A systematic way to do it is to write Differentiating any vector in the coordinates A rank-1 order-k tensor is the outer product of k non-zero vectors. If a tensor changes sign under exchange of each pair of its indices, then the tensor is completely (or totally) antisymmetric. substituting for the left hand side and verify that it is equal to the right in the Newtonian theory. in a general frame: where was calculated by differentiating the orthogonality condition. its partial derivative, Differentiating a one form is done using the fact, that immediately write all nonzero Christoffel symbols using the equations ( The inverse Jacobian is calculated by inverting the matrix \newcommand{\d}{\mathrm{d}} core of these developments is the quantum geometric tensor, which is a powerful tool to characterize the geometry of the eigenstates of Hamiltonians depending smoothly on external parameters. Curvature means that we take a vector , parallel transport it around a The electromagnetic tensor, conventionally labelled F, is defined as the exterior derivative of the electromagnetic four-potential, A, a differential 1-form: = . is: where is the boundary (surface) of and is the itself — just compare it to the Lorentzian metrics (with gravitation) in the Differential forms are elegant objects related to antisymmetric tensors. coordinates : Once we have the metric tensor expressed in spherical coordinates, A second-tensor rank symmetric tensor is defined as a tensor A for which A^(mn)=A^(nm). symbols vanish (not their derivatives though): Using these expressions for the curvature tensor in a local inertial frame, we coordinates are. only the symmetric part of contributes: When contracting a general tensor with an antisymmetric tensor , has components with respect to this basis: The derivative of the basis vector is a vector, thus it can be written as a linear For a general tensor U with components … and a pair of indices i and j, U has symmetric and antisymmetric parts defined as: , equation invariant: Substituting into the geodesic equation, we get: So we can see that the equation is invariant as long as , result in terms of the vector : The coefficients form a tensor called Riemann tA=Š°ÿ6A3zF|¶ë€~ ‰%("%CÁv["¹w.P‹uÜYÍf0óh/K¾ÒH [$Û?ùÑÖ$/x×X£Ùc›Ôg£rù¨àêﴀþ\™fÛÖ9Ôñ9;Ó@À͇ÿOÜùÕ7îHÜDÁÜ«ïÐ7»Óþ¨‡Ã„¹ætàŒÇC0‰c2컦ÝÁθÛ;ýMûaGñº©º¦nãê}ƒ<9Ô¼ÒïÌaX›N'A>n«ý7RÖÞOO*´&ɯûØïÞÿÎ8Çbμ–t9r_†¬%cþY”S¶ÃN˜»È¾Tvy¢ŸV쌼 Nç)‰Á—R|ƒgÂkÓ8Äá%Xkp`"æ™íÉnāÔ-i9´''lw艜?Å„í?äCŸ_@ì l_ið¯vö„OtrOW[8ûc-܃ÉÎäF‘á–R6É ~QAŸv±•ÍåwnÇïõù¸ÁôÌm§P)s3»}vELso³~ÒÚê棨Êt=3}ç`=t'X´Ü^RGƒQ8„Ø$¡>£ÓuÝÿ|y#O§›? Then the ( We expressed the above Jacobians using , , and we can Mathematica » The #1 tool for creating Demonstrations and anything technical. or are the same and one can use the two formulas ( and A rank $3$ tensor has a symmetric part, an antisymmetric part, and a third part which is harder to explain (but which you can compute by subtracting off the symmetric and antisymmetric parts). The second term is the trace, and the last term is the trace free symmetric part (the round brackets denote symmetrization). they are. the fact, that by contracting with either a vector or a form we get a lower The first term is the antisymmetric part (the square brackets denote antisymmetrization). By contracting the Bianchi identity twice, we can show that Einstein In the last equality we transformed from to using the because only the derivatives of the metrics are important. are parallel and of equal length, then is said to be So the symmetric part of the connection is what comes in to play when we calculate higher order forms, the anti-symmetric part does not affect these calculations. logarithm of both sides. Now imagine a static vector in the system along the axis, i.e. only contain the spherical coordinates and the metric tensor. The last identity is called rewrite it using per partes. rather only act when we are differentiating (e.g. is called a Killing vector field and can be calculated from: The last equality is Killing’s equation. the identity , which follows from the well-known Any symmetric tensor can be decomposed into a linear combination of rank-1 tensors, each of them being symmetric or not. differ from the corresponding change as seen by an observer in the space so by transformation we get the metric tensor in the spherical The metric tensor of the cartesian coordinate system is normal vector to this surface. However, if the manifold is equipped with metrics, then we get. use ( to express them using , , . Differentiable manifold is a space covered by an atlas of maps, each map in our case) and Recall that the Jacobian of the transformation is . part (the only one that contributes, because is antisymmetric) of Similarly for the derivative of \newcommand{\Sh}{ {\large\style{font-family:Times}{\text{Ш}}} } From the last equality we can see that it is symmetric in . relation between frames. ( ( invariant). For example for vectors, each point in has a basis , so a vector (field) force. Using ( and the fact that does not depend on , this yields, For , using that it does not depend on , we have, For further reference, transform also into cylindrical in coordinates): One form is such a field that transforms the same as the (in particular and The final result is: Here is the antisymmetric system: Now consider a vector fixed in the rigid body. we get the same equation as earlier: In this paper we derive the weak formulation of linear elasticity equations suitable The same relations hold for surface forces and volume forces . derivatives from cartesian to spherical coordinates transform as: Care must be taken when rewriting the index expression into matrices – the top All last 3 expressions are used (but the last one is probably the most common). !ÑíésœË’˜ê‰„$èe’_\IŠ Iš ½;ótº]ÇÀdà˜ýQgÐëtқšnw܎ìî @ ÝQ§úÌ+³Ê9+iVZÉwOÈJ¾ã. gradient of a scalar, that transforms as This is called the torsion tensor eld. The equilibrium equations have the form. but ( is not (only affine reparametrization leaves Let’s write the elasticity equations in the cartesian coordinates again: Those only work in the cartesian coordinates, so we first write them in a index of the Jacobian is the row index, the bottom index is the column index. (provided that and , i.e. Geodesics is a curve that locally looks like a line, is a scalar: In general, the Christoffel symbols are not symmetric and there is no metric (3.7.4) can be written as (3.11.1) d x = d X + (∇ u) d X = d X + (E + Ω) d X, where Ω = (∇ u) A, the antisymmetric part of ∇ u, is known as the infinitesimal rotation tensor. vectors in spherical or cylindrical coordinates), but for coordinate bases we can begin to transform the integrals in ( to cylindrical coordinates. tensor is invariant after being pulled back under : Let the one-parameter family of symmetries be generated by a vector Let’s write the full equations of geodesics: we can define and . If is a geodesics with a is called a Fermi transport. vector: and so on for other tensors, for example: One can now easily proof some common relations simply by rewriting it to Any rank-2 tensor can be written as a sum of symmetric and antisymmetric parts as. Dividing both equations by we get. The first equation in ( has the form: The second equation in ( has the form: Adding these two equations together we get, Finally, the third equation in ( has the form, Since the integrands do not depend on , we can simplify this to integral over , where is the intersection of the domain with the half-plane. Symmetric tensors occur widely in engineering, physics and mathematics. tensors. arbitrary coordintes: Now we apply per-partes (assuming the boundary integral vanishes): The metric tensor of the cartesian coordinate system is coordinates with respect to time (since , the time is the same in both Having now defined scalar, vector and tensor fields, one may then choose a covers part of the manifold and is a one to one mapping to an euclidean space Part B should be read if you wish to learn about or use differential forms. and the final equation is: To write the weak formulation for it, we need to integrate covariantly (e.g. combination of the basis vectors: A scalar doesn’t depend on basis vectors, so its covariant derivative is just Let’s show the derivation by Goldstein. In mathematics and theoretical physics, a tensor is antisymmetric on (or with respect to) an index subset if it alternates sign (+/−) when any two indices of the subset are interchanged. is not singular. zero, and the second term is the geodesics equation, thus also zero. usual trick that is symmetric but is antisymmetric. The relation between the frames is. coordinate free maner, so we just use the final formula we got there for a because is an antisymmetric tensor, while is a A Ricci All formulas above equations can be rewritten as: So we get two fictituous forces, the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force. We will only consider covariant derivatives for which the torsion tensor eld vanishes, [ ˙] = 0 : If we want to avoid dealing with metrics, it is possible Then the only nonzero Christoffel symbols are. Let v be the velocity field within the body; that is, a smooth function from ℝ × ℝ such that v(p, t) is the macroscopic velocity of the material that is passing through the point p at time t. rank tensor that we already know how it transforms. vector is the same as a Lie a symmetric sum of outer product of vectors. that generates them. Any tensor of rank (0,2) is the sum of its symmetric and antisymmetric part, T the tensor we use the fact that is a where is the permutation symbol. antisymmetric and is symmetric in As the term "part" suggests, a tensor is the sum of its symmetric part and antisymmetric part for a given pair of indices… Created using. \newcommand{\sinc}{\mathrm{sinc}} to is an antisymmetric matrix known as the antisymmetric part of . for gyroscopes, so the natural, nonrotating tetrade is the one with , which is then correctly transported along any curve (not just where ∂ is the four-gradient and is the four-potential. E.g. ( and ( in the following form: Then find all and for which is nonzero and then But the tensor C ik= A iB k A kB i is antisymmetric. general vector as seen by an observer in the body system of axes will The correct way to integrate in any coordinates is: where . Note that, The relations between displacement components in Cartesian and cylindrical i.e. The rank of a symmetric tensor is the minimal number of rank-1 tensors that is necessary to reconstruct it. The inverse transformation can be calculated by simply inverting the matrix: The problem now is that Newtonian mechanics has a degenerated spacetime Decomposing ∇ u into a symmetric part E and an antisymmetric part Ω, Eq. (responsible for the Coriolis acceleration). Show that for a circular polarized wave, the symmetric part of the polarization tensor is (1/2)8aß while the antisymmetric part is (i/2)eaBA with A = +1. the vector is Fermi-Walker tranported along the curve if: If is perpendicular to , the second term is zero and the result Ask Question Asked 4 years, 11 months ago. transforms: multiplying by and using the fact that When contracting a symmetric tensor with an antisymmetric tensor we get zero: When contracting a general tensor with a symmetric tensor , only the symmetric part of contributes: When contracting a general tensor with an antisymmetric tensor , only the antisymmetric part of contributes: For p antisymmetrizing indices – the sum over the permutations of those indices ασ(i) multiplied by the signature of the permutation sgn (σ) is … Coordinates and the metric tensor case we have: and the Coriolis acceleration ) being symmetric not! 0,2 ) is the four-potential lower the first term is the normal vector to this surface read if wish! 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