The Project Scope Statement template defines the following: 1. A fence is raised around the site before the construction happens. The scope statement is not to be confused with a project charter. One source of this 1. Product scope description: The characteristics of the products, services, and/or results your project will produce. A scope statement, whether it is a product or project scope statement is very important in any project proposal or any research statement. A good Scope Statement includes the following information: Justification: A brief statement regarding the business need your project addresses. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A Key Project Management Tool Acceptance criteria: The conditions that must be met before project deliverables are accepted. Scope statements don’t just define the scope. Product scope description: The characteristics of the products, services, and/or results your project will produce. Get powerful project planning tools for managing scope. Project managers use the Scope Statement as a written confirmation of the results your project will produce and the constraints and assumptions under which you will work. Once this is completed, with the team they start decomposing the deliverables in to small activities. Your project scope statement will act as the primary tool for stakeholders and teammates to refer back to and use as a guideline to accurately measure project success. For starters, you can use our free work breakdown structure template and get a visual on deliverables, as well as the tasks needed to complete before submitting your project scope statement. By starting with the seven key statements above, you can get a head start on a successful project. You’ll be using this documentation throughout the project as … Your project’s requesters always have the option of either accepting your proposed changes (and allowing the project to continue) or canceling your project. Your scope of work is an agreement of work, typically between consultant and client, that details the agreement of work to be performed, including, but not limited to: While your scope of work can be time-consuming to write, it outlines the project itself and not necessarily the plan that’s to follow. They are interconnected, meaning that if you pull one lever on ‘scope’, another lever on ‘money’ or ‘time’ will also move. Product Scope Description– Description of the product or service that the project will deliver. Defining your project scope statement is one of the easiest ways to build a solid foundation for your project to ensure that things proceed as planned. Requirements will be identified during the collect requirements process. This paperwork can be called your scope statement or terms of reference, but more often it’s referred to as a statement of work . You and your team identify all restrictions regarding your approach to the work and the resources you need to support your work. Your project’s requesters commit that they’ll consider your project 100 percent successful if you produce these results. Project scope statement is primarily an output of Define Scope Process. It also documents and tracks phases to avoid scope creep, and assists with project closing, including an audit of deliverables and assessing the project outcome for success factors. Project management scope refers to all of the products, services, and results provided by your project. What are the long-term business benefits? (A more detailed discussion of the justification for the project appears in the project charter.). They also list the team name, start and end dates, objectives, deliverables, and milestones. Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables , tasks, costs and deadlines. A project scope statement is a detailed document describing the entire scope of the project, including project scope, product scope, deliverables, assumptions, and constraints. The top three constraints—or the Triple Constraint—to managing any project is typically time, money and scope. Get a Free 30-Day Trial of Our PM Software, How to Make a Stakeholder Management Plan, Stakeholder Management Strategies & Tools, A competitor has come out with a new product that currently has no market competition, Customer feedback has been asking for a new tool to include in your product, An opportunity for vertical integration/recurring revenue has introduced itself, Application updates that are planned for a later project and are intentionally not included on this project, Restricted or rescheduled customer access to certain support lines/product features. Project Strategy 6. Deliverables: The products or services that your project will provide. However, your Scope Statement represents your project commitments based on what you know today and expect to be true in the future. 5. What does it provide our customers that does not already exist? Allocate 10 minutes to brainstorm specific details for each of the various project scope nodes. 1. This can include the product itself, instruction and installation manuals, marketing materials, press releases, advertising campaigns and more. Write out the primary objective of the project. It contains different elements that describe what and how things will be performed to achieve the desired results. Creating an accurate, complete project scope document can dramatically increase your project’s chances of success. A good Scope Statement includes the following information: Justification: A brief statement regarding the business need your project addresses. For a project to accomplish its goal on time, everyone needs to know its goal. Why is a Project Scope Statement Important? The project scope statement is used to define the project. Define the business need and the expected outcome of the project. Projects that do not have a Project Scope Statement are plagued with scope creep issues. A scope statement should be written before the statement of work and it should capture, in very broad terms, the product of the project (e.g., "developing a software based system to capture and track orders for software"). This part is called scoping. It plays a cru… This can include product launch goal dates, a new business model to generate a higher rate of recurring revenue, higher customer satisfaction, increase first-time buyers and others. According to the Project Management Institute, a strong project scope statement has several key characteristics.It should: Define the boundaries of the project. Try and get award-winning PM tools that can help you manage projects from start to finish. Think of your Scope Statement, when viewed together with the other components of your project plan, as a binding agreement in which. You might provide design documents and training guides. In fact, the farther into the future you try to look, the less certain your predictions can be. Project Scope Statement Outline 1. You and your team commit to producing certain results. Start your... 2. The team understands the business need and the expected outcome of the pr… Below is an example of a simple WBS. 2. Any project, whether larger small, easy or complex will include a project scope statement. Both the people who requested the project and the project team should agree to all terms in the Scope Statement before actual project work begins. Project scope is part of the planning process of any project. Justification. It will also include any major project objectives, deliverables and goals to help measure success. Just ensure that the Scope Baseline serves its purpose. You and your team identify all assumptions you made when setting the terms of your Scope Statement. Because while predicting the future of the project is impossible at such a high level, this is the first step to getting your project as close to the outcome as possible. Be clear on what your team will d… To make it simpler to understand, let us compare delivering a project with constructing a building. From there, you can try and use our task management features to get all the necessary tasks organized, prioritized and sorted by project phase. Project Boundaries 5. Your project’s requesters agree that there are no restrictions other than the ones you’ve identified and that they’ll provide you the support you declare you need. Don’t let it overwhelm you before kick-off. High Level Project Requirements 4. This is your Project Scope Statement, and much like a Scope of Work (SOW), it exists to reinforce your project scope for all participating parties. It might sound easy enough, but this is one of the more important steps. What is a Project Scope Statement? The project scope statement is a frequently used term in Project Management. Project Scope Statement Template Project Constraints