Agamemnon . Preluded by generations of domestic homicide, adultery and brutality, the Oresteia shows the purification and redemption of the house of Arteus. [1] In this play, Orestes is hunted down and tormented by the Furies, a trio of goddesses known to be the instruments of justice, who are also referred to as the "Gracious Ones" (Eumenides). In contrast to Schiller, however, Nietzsche sees the Chorus as bringing the play up by sweeping the audience into their world through spectacle and language whereas Schiller sees these as means to opposite ends. Clytemnestra is another character that is able to be analyzed in terms of moral responsibility, her premeditated killing of Agamemnon was an act of revenge and allows for us to see her as morally responsible for her husband's death. p. 455. This concept, however, is not exactly equivalent with legal responsibility and so it should be viewed and treated differently. [16] Now after committing the matricide, Orestes is being hunted down by the Furies in the third play "The Eumenides", who wish to exact vengeance on him for this crime. . This is referring to Menelaus’ loss of his wife, but the phrase is ironic when looked at from Agamemnon’s point of view. "[15] In 2002, Theatre Kingston mounted a production of The Oresteia and included a new reconstruction of Proteus based on the episode in The Odyssey and loosely arranged according to the structure of extant satyr plays. We will occasionally send you account related emails. By Athena creating this blueprint the future of revenge-killings and the merciless hunting of the Furies would be eliminated from Greece. [26], Trilogy of Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus, Stairwell Theater performs an adaptation of The Oresteia in Brooklyn, NY, 2019, Relation to the Curse of the House of Atreus. Oresteia, written by Aeschylus in 458 B.C., is a Greek tragic trilogy about the curse of the House of Atreus and the subsequent acts of vengeance and the wrath of Gods. However, in Oresteia, Aeschylus does not keep to this traditional pattern. However, it is widely believed to have been based on the story told in Book IV of Homer's Odyssey, where Menelaus, Agamemnon's brother, attempts to return home from Troy and finds himself on an island off Egypt, "whither he seems to have been carried by the storm described in Agam.674. Smyth, H.W. It begins with Agamemnon returning home triumphant from the Trojan war only to be struck down (together with the tragic Cassandra) by his wife Clytaemnestra. In the case of Agamemnon’s Choral introduction, the extensive section elevates the play as it is more in depth than the average expositional passage. All rights reserved Gradesfixer ™, “The Significance of the Paradox of the Oresteia.”, The Significance of the Paradox of the Oresteia [Internet]. Particularly notable are the fascinating richness of Clytemnestra’s deceitful words … Students who find writing to be a difficult task. As they are swept into the precise and poetic language, they are made conscious of the theatricalities they are witnessing and therefore more open to the underscored social reflection. The prologue quickly segues into the grand parados–choral entrance. The sentry sees a beacon in the distance, his sign that the Greeks have been triumphant and rejoices at the thought of his master’s return home. From a very broad perspective, it chronicles the transition of the rule of law from the old tradition of personal vengeance, which was bound to a cycle of bloody violence, to the new system of law courts, wherein the state assumed responsibility for dealing out just punishments. [1] It is important that Athena did not just forgive Orestes and forbid the Furies from chasing him, she intended to put him to a trial and find a just answer to the question regarding his innocence. Get any books you like and read everywhere you want. The following year, in 2016, playwright Zinnie Harris premiered her adaptation, This Restless House, at the Citizen's Theatre to five-star critical acclaim. The importance of the oikos in the Oresteia can be seen in the opening seconds of the play. The unborn rabbits serve as a metaphor for the ill-fated Trojan people, massacred by the brutal eagles Agamemnon and Menelaus. When the queen directs her to step down from the chariot and presume her new function as slave, Cassandra remains “ stolid ” . The opening speech of the Eumenides is a prayer uttered by the priestess Pythia, which gives a history sanctuary at Delphi . 102, 1982, pp. The Oresteia (the only extant complete Greek trilogy) consists of three plays: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and the Eumenides. In his response to her he pretends he is a stranger and tells Clytemnestra that he (Orestes) is dead, causing her to send for Aegisthus. Later in life Pelops and his family line were cursed by Myrtilus, a son of Hermes, catalyzing the curse of the House of Atreus. In her husband’s absence she had taken Argos into her embittered, power-starved hands, undermined his authority and driven her citizens to hate her and fear the future. Spanning an elemental and violent family conflict, The Oresteia by Aeschylus is a trilogy containing the plays Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides. The Importance of Gender in Aeschylus' Oresteia Gender is made explicit as a theme throughout the Oresteia through a series of male-female conflicts and incorrectly gendered characters dominated by the figure of Clytemnestra, a woman out of place. April 17, 2019 by Essay Writer. [23] In 2015, Robert Icke's production of his own adaptation was a sold out hit at the Almeida Theatre and was transferred that same year to the West End's Trafalgar Studios. [4], In The Libation Bearers (Χοηφóρoι, Choēphóroi)—the second play of Aeschylus' Oresteia trilogy—many years after the murder of Agamemnon, his son Orestes returns to Argos with his cousin Pylades to exact vengeance on Clytemnestra, as an order from Apollo, for killing Agamemnon. Agamemnon with its stark gender language alludes to some restrictions imposed on women and raises the issue of male anxiety. It is also in this part of the novel that it is discovered that the god Apollo played a part in the act of vengeance toward Clytemnestra through Orestes. The last lines of the passage speak about the pain caused by the prophecy and Ifigenia’s sacrifice: “But Calcha’s divining art bore fruit; the scales of justice have come down and brought, with suffering, and understanding. The entire trilogy can be seen as a subtle proclamation of the superiority of men over women. It begins with Agamemnon returning home triumphant from the Trojan war only to be struck down (together with the tragic Cassandra) by his wife Clytaemnestra. Available from:, Recieve 100% plagiarism-Free paper just for 4.99$ on email, *Public papers are open and may contain not unique content. Words: 3666 - Pages: 15 Eumenides - Resolution of Conflict in Aeschylus' Oresteia. The first play in the series, Agamemnon, opens upon a lone sentry gazing out across the Greek countryside pining for the loss of his king and the rise of the queen Clytemnestra into absolute power. The chorus separate from one another and ramble to themselves, proving their cowardice, when another final cry is heard. With its rigid structure and specific attributes, but freedom of beauty and artistic expression “tragedy is an Apollonian embodiment of Dionysiac insights and powers” (823). Seeing the Furies asleep, Clytemnestra's ghost comes to wake them up to obtain justice on her son Orestes for killing her. At the same time, both works also represent states of being and thinking […] Orestes’ Sun: Apollo’s Importance to the Oresteia. Aeschylus. The Oresteia, Aeschylus 870 Words | 4 Pages. (1930). The passage begins by referring to the brothers as eagles, screaming “in lonely agony of their nestlings, and all the watchful care they had spent guarding them” (36). They clearly disapprove of the war referring to it as a “quarrel over a woman of many men” (36). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. The Oresteia, Aeschylus. The Libation Bearers may be the second play of The Oresteia. In 1941, Thomson had claimed the opposite: that the trilogy proves Aeschylus' … The Oresteia is especially important because of its influence on the political thought of ancient Athens, 10 and tragedy more generally is now taken to be a crucial institution of Athenian democracy. [2] Oresteia originally included a satyr play, Proteus (Πρωτεύς), following the tragic trilogy, but all except a single line of Proteus has been lost. At the beginning of this play Orestes, the child of Agamemnon and Clytaemnestra, who was sent away as a child by his mother, earnings to his homeland to avenge his fathers killing. Throughout “The Oresteia” , Aeschylus uses a lot of naturalistic metaphors and symbols, such as solar and lunar cycles, night and day, storms, winds, fire, etc, to represent the vacillating nature of human reality (good and evil, birth and death, sorrow and happiness, etc). “It is by holding asunder the different parts, and stepping between the passions with its composing views, that the Chorus restores us to our freedom, which would else be lost in the tempest” (474). “On the Use of Chorus in Tragedy.” Dramatic Theory and Criticism. However, in Oresteia, Aeschylus does not keep to this traditional pattern. Structure of Paper In this paper, I will examine how the themes of justice and vengeance are treated in the Oresteia. To learn more about the historical background and the characters of Agamemnon, Libation Bearers and Eumenides, and to read a scene-by-scene summary of these plays in addition to play-specific analyses, please consult the articles of the individual plays. [6] Consequently, after committing the matricide, Orestes is now the target of the Furies' merciless wrath and has no choice but to flee from the palace. If Zeus supports Agamemnon and his brother in their ill-conceived exploits and the destruction of all those they had to sacrifice along the way, and the Chorus deems the expedition immoral, they must be passing judgment on the god. And when Agamemnon returned to Argos from the Trojan War, Clytemnestra killed him by stabbing him in the bathtub and would eventually inherit his throne. However, it was not always this way. As they move from darkness to light, from rage to self-governance, from primitive ritual to civilized institution, their spirit of struggle and regeneration becomes an everlasting song of celebration. The Chorus does not trust their monarchs or their gods and Aeschylus carefully shows this throughout their opening speech, embedding their true feelings within metaphors and poetry. we can write an original essay just for you. Blood law used to rule Ancient Greece. The theme of justice and vengeance are important because the play reflects a movement from a time of savagery and revenge and a movement towards civilization and justice. Aeschylus: Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, Eumenides, Fragments. Read More. Till then, let it be. Some scholars believe that the trilogy is influenced by contemporary political developments in Athens. The Oresteia is the only surviving example of a Greek tragic trilogy and thus has great importance in the history of drama. Once the trial concluded, Athena proclaimed the innocence of Orestes and he was set free from the Furies. There are many didactic motives in the Oresteia, one of them being the matter of moral responsibility. The speech sets the overall tone for the play where no one can be trusted and the cycle of revenge and violence spins almost out of control. The process may not be perfect, but it brings balance by to decide justly on the case of Orestes. 2018 Feb 06 [cited 2020 Dec 12]. Therefore, she found a new lover Aegisthus. Those who join the family seem to play a part in the curse as well, as seen in Clytemnestra when she murders her husband Agamemnon, in revenge for sacrificing their daughter, Iphigenia. The trial by jury is a staple in the democracy of today. By clicking “Send”, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. Oresteia, written by Aeschylus in 458 B.C., is a Greek tragic trilogy about the curse of the House of Atreus and the subsequent acts of vengeance and the wrath of Gods. The Oresteia, like Homer’s Odyssey, deals with the end of the Trojan War. Trans. They relentlessly pursue Orestes for the killing of his mother. The Oresteia acts an effective political solution as it results in the transition to a new order featuring the trial by jury, the appointment of impartial judges, and the delegation of checks and balances. Other themes can be found and in one, or two, of the three plays, but are not applicable to the Trilogy as a whole and thus are not considered themes of the trilogy. Blood law used to rule Ancient Greece. Orestes’ moral responsibility can also be argued, as it can be said that he took moral responsibility for his act of matricide. In bringing in the lyricism of the Chorus, the playwright heightens the poetry of the play and makes the action more credible. After her soliloquy, Clytemnestra pleads with and convinces Agamemnon to walk on the robes laid out for him. The first play, Agamemnon, portrays the victorious Summary of Oresteia. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. Unrecognized, Orestes is then able to enter the palace where he then kills Aegisthus, who was without a guard due to the intervention of the Chorus in relaying Clytemnestra's message. The importance of the theme of gender role for ancient Greeks and the modern audience is also discussed elaborately. Your time is important. uses cookies. In the Oresteia Aeschylus addressed the bloody chain of murder and revenge within the royal family of Argos. Presenting the trilogy, deals with the themes of the inheritance of evil and retribution of crime. Clytemnestra claims that she and Aegisthus now have all the power and they re-enter the palace with the doors closing behind them. In most Greek tragedies, the writer uses the chorus as a tool to comment on action in the play. As in the case of the competing versions of Penelope, Zeus’ positive valorization can be seen as a programmatic act, as well as a tacit acknowledgment that stories of the “bad Hermes” had achieved a level of diffusion that would provoke de-authorization. In addition, Athena set up the ground rules for how the verdict would be decided so that everything would be dealt with fairly. [8], The final play of the Oresteia, called The Eumenides (Εὐμενίδες, Eumenídes), illustrates how the sequence of events in the trilogy ends up in the development of social order or a proper judicial system in Athenian society. GradesFixer. Aegisthus proudly states that he devised the plan to murder Agamemnon and claim revenge for his father (the father of Aegisthus, Thyestes, was tricked into eating two of his sons by his brother Atreus, the father of Agamemnon). In the process, Proteus tells Menelaus of the death of Agamemnon at the hands of Aegisthus as well as the fates of Ajax the Lesser and Odysseus at sea; and is compelled to tell Menelaus how to reach home from the island of Pharos. They are thus presenting a view of the religion that is based on uncovering and foiling fate for selfish ends and worshiping an unworthy supreme god. Although the text is constantly interrupted by prayers to Zeus, the summation of the speech actually reflects a critique of the king of the gods. Driven by the universal struggles of justice versus injustice, fear versus obligation and parent versus child, the play follows one ill-fated family through the passion, hatred and destruction that, through ultimate pain and suffering, eventually purges the lineage and restores honor to their name. [25] He at once shows the love the people hold for Agamemnon and the contempt the feel towards Clytemnestra who has usurped her husband and driven the city of Argos into the ground with her tyranny and hatred. [17] Instead of allowing the Furies to torture Orestes, she decided that she would have both the Furies and Orestes plead their case before she decided on the verdict. It all starts in Agamemnon with Clytemnestra, who murders her husband, Agamemnon, in order to obtain vengeance for his sacrificing of their daughter, Iphigenia. The Oresteia tells the story of the house of Atreus. However, with Apollo stepping in to tell the truth about what had occurred, that he had in fact pushed Orestes to kill his own mother, Orestes can be seen to hold no moral responsibility over the death of Clytemnestra. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. We cannot guarantee that every book is in the library! It is important that Athena did not just forgive Orestes and forbid the Furies from chasing him, she intended to put him to a trial and find a just answer to the question regarding his innocence. Fast Download Speed ~ Commercial & Ad Free. It details the homecoming of Agamemnon, King of Mycenae, from the Trojan War. There is also a significant amount of animal symbolism in the plays, and humans who forget how to govern themselves justly tend to be … Yet, the women create the real interest in the plays. MacLeod, C. W. "Politics and the Oresteia." The Oresteia includes and alludes to several myths of rule by women as a means of informing the main action within the trilogy and giving it wider significance. He sees Greek tragedy as a marriage between the gods Apollo and Dionysos; the chorus as the remnants of Dionysiac hedonism, and the episodes, language and themes as embodiments of Apollonian sensitivities. In this context, we can view the Oresteia as representing the new charter myth of Athens. The curse holds a major part in the Oresteia and is mentioned in it multiple times, showing that many of the characters are very aware of the curse's existence. [ 26 ] Pssst… The audience is now overcome by the beauty and spectacle of the whirling, dancing Chorus serenading them with over two hundred lines of lyrical verse. House, but promises to keep silent: `` a huge ox has stepped onto my tongue. accepting... Concubine, Cassandra remains “ stolid ” in Tragedy. ” Dramatic Theory and Criticism2E Ed Bernard... Overtures of the oikos in the beginning of a Greek tragic trilogy and illuminates change! Nevertheless, there is the only complete trilogy of Greek dramas that has survived occurring subsequently the. Prologue immediately establishes the period, setting and the Eumenides ) Aeschylus credible! 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